Friday, November 12, 2010

the dangerous prayer

In the last year or two, I have gotten into the habit of praying the dangerous prayer almost everyday. It has been one of the simplest but hardest things to do. You ask, "what is the dangerous prayer?" The dangerous prayer, challenged by Rory Noland in the book The Heart of the Artist(which I would highly recommend to anyone in leadership, serving on a team, or breathing), simply prays "Lord, help me to die to myself today." Not too complex, ehh? WRONG! It has been one of the most challenging prayers I have ever prayed. To pray that prayer, you are surrendering yourself, your day, and your will over to the Lord to do with whatever He pleases -- to mold you into the image of Christ.  It makes me want to scream some days when I know that I'm going through a moment where a part of my sinful nature is dying knowing that I prayed the dangerous prayer that very morning. But, wow, that prayer has ever changed my life!

In John 12:24 it says Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. How much would our life look like if we started dieing to ourselves? Would we love more? Serve more? Give more? What would the very essence of our hearts be changed into? One that is selfless and exuding with the love of Christ?

I want to challenge you to take on the dangerous prayer challenge with me. It is not at all an easy prayer to pray. It takes humility and absolute hunger to be made into the likeness of Christ. Start praying that prayer every day and it will change your life. I dare you.

Monday, November 8, 2010

blogging... I caved

For quite awhile now I have been tossing the whole idea of blogging around in my head. There have been weeks I have really wanted to dive into it, and then there have been weeks where I laughed at myself for even thinking I would have time for it. Well today, November 8, 2010, I am embarking a journey as a blogger(sounds pretty dramatic, eh?). The purpose of this blog is to share with you my thoughts, life experiences, and journey with Christ as an ordinary guy called by God. My hope is that you will find what I post uplifting and encouraging. So join me in my adventure of blogging… We shall see how this goes :)